Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Unfollow John Larkin on Twitter (See why in the Starbucks Photo)

Friday, 7.00 pm. It just stopped raining. At the last John Larkin meeting, it had been raining too. This rain thing seems awfully coincidental. I met early birds Alvin, Kenneth and Ivor at Block 40. Ivor bugged me again on the "vintage" Sony Cybershot (I'm NOT letting it go!).

We knew Kevin wasn't turning up because Kenneth said he saw Kevin's check-in at a clinic on Foursquare in the morning. Aahh...wonders of technology, you don't even need to inform people that you are sick.

Alvin as usual did a great job of ordering dinner and the dishes came at the same time as John's arrival. Siva reached last after his practical and polished off the rest of dinner :-) Conversations of Singapore elections and old neighborhoods were pretty enlightening.

Alvin parted ways after dinner and we trooped down to Starbucks at Holland Village. It was their first night to be opened for 24 hours and it seems pretty empty much to our amazement.

New attendance at Starbucks in chronological order: bubblevicious, aramc and airani. Laurence is Down Under but tried to Facetime a couple of times unsuccessfully.

Did we talk about mac stuff? I just recalled the long search for the "yellow camphor medicated oil with a silhouette of a man" that Siva was reminiscing about turned out to be Sloan's liniment.

Many apologies to aramc and bubblevicious for omitting your photos. I'm just a bad bad bad photographer so the photos ended up really blur.

See John Larkin's blog for his post on the meetup and photos.

Photos from the meet up:


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